Khmel Victor | Sukhoveeva Elena

Projects. THE CHILDREN (2003)

The purpose of the project was to enter an adult, mature person in the space of his/her specific childhood (with use of toys and clothes of that historical time, in which the childhood of the portrayed characters has passed). As a rule, transition to childhood leads to throwing off the masks and exposes vulnerabilities of the person. When the child is photographed he usually looks in the lens as in a chasm. His sight is open to the world, but in this openness the big tragedy is read. This particular tragedy girdles the project. In the childhood gravity and looking into the world «as in a chasm» is connected with uncertainty and incomprehensibility of this world for the child. Some time has passed, the child has grown, and his life is filled with experience. He seems to know much about the world and life. But again, there is that same tragic sight and the same incomprehensible world, before which a person is as helpless as a child.

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